Friday, August 3, 2012

The Imaculate Conception

The Imaculate Conception


On my journey and arriving at the famous grotto, Lourdes France to be healed I have been reminded of my Christian roots through the story faith and traditions of the wide community of Lourdes. Many people visit the Grotto every day to pray penance for their sins. In the vision of Mary at the grotto Bernadette was given a message for all “Pray and do penance for the conversion of the world.”
Mary Mother of God, appearing to Brenadette 1858

When Mary appeared to Bernadette she identified her as the Immaculate Conception and it is stated under the shrine to Mary at the Grotto.
Imaculate Conception, Grotto Lourdes, France
The catholic teaches that Mary was conceived and saved by God from sin her entire life making her pure and holy. She was pure of nature, gentle, pure hearted and that is why she was chosen as the mother of God. The Immaculate Conception was defined by Pope Plus IX on December 8th 1854. Still today people pray to Mary for their sins at the grotto because they believe that she was the one person to live without sin.

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