Thursday, August 9, 2012

My final thoughts on my journey

My final thoughts on my journey


I have just bathed in the healing water and I did not need to even dry, I just got dressed straight away and I was completely dry. That was not the only amazing part! I feel so much better than I have ever felt, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel refreshed and suddenly everything is clear, for example why I have made this amazing journey, why I got a brain defect and why I must always keep my faith in God and the Virgin Mary.
Water from Grotto Lourdes, France

The grotto as a pilgrim site is so important for all pilgrims as it a symbol that miracles can happen every day, whether it was Bernadette in 1958, all the people healed by the healing water or all the people who get experience the connective faith in God and Mary by a wide community. The pilgrimage is such a rewarding experience to see all the people stricken will illness but still have faith that they will be healed by the grotto and its miracle. It amazing place to visit and once you understand the magic of faith you will never forget it and never stop believing in the power of God and his example Mary the mother of God.
My inspriation for this journey

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Catholic Faith in the Grotto

My Catholic Faith in the Grotto


I have finally arrived at the Grotto and it is amazing! It is a quite sanctuary of hundreds of people in celebrative silence and prays. The baths are nearby but the line is so far that I am sure it will take hours to get close to my miracle. As I stand in I wonder what will happen the moment I tough to cold water.

Healing water Grotto Lourdes, France

I have heard all the stories of Mary and all the good she has done in Lourdes and for all the people and I think why did so many Catholics have faith in God and this shrine to Mary?
I think that the statue of Mary placed exactly where Mary appeared to Bernadette in 1958, strengthens Catholics faith in God because it is an example of a woman who gave up everything to live a life without sin as the mother God. She had courage and faith in the face of challenge and adversity. I believe that all Catholics search for all of those qualities to help in their own journey to a life of strong religion and they come to the Grotto to bath in the healing water and pray the Rosary in pursuit of a life without sin. They believe that God will heal them through their faith in him and the Virgin Mary. I believe in all I have said about how the Grotto strengthens catholic faith in God because they are the reason I am here.
Pray at Grotto Lourdes, France

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mother of God and the Church

Mother of God and the Church


The tour of Lourdes that I decided to travel on is one that is based on the teachings of the church in relation to the life of Mary the mother of God. I heard an older couple discussing the virginity of Mary and her son, Christ. They had a long conversation that I just had to write down and they said,

”In the same way she did not commit sin when she conceived the son of God because of the power of the Holy Spirit. Did you know that the belief in the virginal conception of Christ is based on scriptural account and is affirmed in church creed ‘born of the Virgin Mary?’ The council taught Mary is more than just the human mother of Jesus because by their logic Jesus is truly God and man, she is therefore the mother of God”
Mary Mother of God with Jesus
The Virgin Mary conception of Jesus the son of God

The figure of Mary at the Grotto reminds me of how Pope Paul VI proclaimed Mary mother of the Church. She was named mother of the church as she was the Christ, therefore the mother of all who are his disciples. The pose of Mary her head held high and forgiving hand shows that is gentle and caring just like a mother.
Mary statue Grotto Lourdes, France
 Mary is described as having motherly care for all and her love and care is still dominate in today’s sceptic society. If you could see all the people around me who still believe in the purity and innocence of Mary and that she could truly bring you fulfilment and make your life worth living, you would be astounded!
People Praying at the Grotto Lourdes, France

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Imaculate Conception

The Imaculate Conception


On my journey and arriving at the famous grotto, Lourdes France to be healed I have been reminded of my Christian roots through the story faith and traditions of the wide community of Lourdes. Many people visit the Grotto every day to pray penance for their sins. In the vision of Mary at the grotto Bernadette was given a message for all “Pray and do penance for the conversion of the world.”
Mary Mother of God, appearing to Brenadette 1858

When Mary appeared to Bernadette she identified her as the Immaculate Conception and it is stated under the shrine to Mary at the Grotto.
Imaculate Conception, Grotto Lourdes, France
The catholic teaches that Mary was conceived and saved by God from sin her entire life making her pure and holy. She was pure of nature, gentle, pure hearted and that is why she was chosen as the mother of God. The Immaculate Conception was defined by Pope Plus IX on December 8th 1854. Still today people pray to Mary for their sins at the grotto because they believe that she was the one person to live without sin.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Travelling to the Grotto Lourdes, France

Travelling to the Grotto Lourdes, France

Before 1858 Lourdes was a typical village, but a young 14 year old girl Bernadette had her first of eighteen visions of the Virgin Mary in the Grotto de Massabielle.
Map of Lourdes France, Grotto of Massabielle

All kinds of people around the world now visit the famous pilgrimage site to hope for a miracle cure their incurable illnesses and now I am one of them. I had heard from an old friend that St Bernadette dug into the grotto, releasing water that was located where no spring had ever ran. The water is said to have unexplained healing powers.
Healing Water, Grotto Lourdes, France

I am now travelling thousands of miles to a place unknown to me for the slight chance that I will be healed. I have no choice though, I have seen 20 doctor and they said “there is nothing more we can do.” All of the doctors diagnosed me with rare brain defect and they say I don’t have much time but I have faith my God and the Virgin Mary will carry through this pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage site Grotto Lourdes, France