Thursday, August 9, 2012

My final thoughts on my journey

My final thoughts on my journey


I have just bathed in the healing water and I did not need to even dry, I just got dressed straight away and I was completely dry. That was not the only amazing part! I feel so much better than I have ever felt, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel refreshed and suddenly everything is clear, for example why I have made this amazing journey, why I got a brain defect and why I must always keep my faith in God and the Virgin Mary.
Water from Grotto Lourdes, France

The grotto as a pilgrim site is so important for all pilgrims as it a symbol that miracles can happen every day, whether it was Bernadette in 1958, all the people healed by the healing water or all the people who get experience the connective faith in God and Mary by a wide community. The pilgrimage is such a rewarding experience to see all the people stricken will illness but still have faith that they will be healed by the grotto and its miracle. It amazing place to visit and once you understand the magic of faith you will never forget it and never stop believing in the power of God and his example Mary the mother of God.
My inspriation for this journey

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