Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mother of God and the Church

Mother of God and the Church


The tour of Lourdes that I decided to travel on is one that is based on the teachings of the church in relation to the life of Mary the mother of God. I heard an older couple discussing the virginity of Mary and her son, Christ. They had a long conversation that I just had to write down and they said,

”In the same way she did not commit sin when she conceived the son of God because of the power of the Holy Spirit. Did you know that the belief in the virginal conception of Christ is based on scriptural account and is affirmed in church creed ‘born of the Virgin Mary?’ The council taught Mary is more than just the human mother of Jesus because by their logic Jesus is truly God and man, she is therefore the mother of God”
Mary Mother of God with Jesus
The Virgin Mary conception of Jesus the son of God

The figure of Mary at the Grotto reminds me of how Pope Paul VI proclaimed Mary mother of the Church. She was named mother of the church as she was the Christ, therefore the mother of all who are his disciples. The pose of Mary her head held high and forgiving hand shows that is gentle and caring just like a mother.
Mary statue Grotto Lourdes, France
 Mary is described as having motherly care for all and her love and care is still dominate in today’s sceptic society. If you could see all the people around me who still believe in the purity and innocence of Mary and that she could truly bring you fulfilment and make your life worth living, you would be astounded!
People Praying at the Grotto Lourdes, France

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